Here goes nothin’….

Well, folks, we’re finally taking the leap and making it official: Idlenot Fibersmiths is officially a THING.

If you had asked either of us a few years ago if we’d be so deep into the world of fibersmithing that we’d want to start a business we both would have laughed in your face. Loudly. Obnoxiously. And then we probably would have repeated “wIlL yOu WaNt To StArT a FiBeR bUsInEsS” in mocking voices and walked away from you. You know, like the adults we are. But the fact of the matter is, the ability to fall in love with something like this so completely in a relatively short time – and more importantly, want to share it and connect with others who feel the same – is part of who we are as humans, isn’t it? And is this whole thing really “new,” or is it embedded somewhere deep down in our inherited DNA?

Do we have the end all, be all answers and skills to consider ourselves experts in all things dying, spinning, crocheting, knitting? Hell no. And frankly if we ever do please mock us loudly (and obnoxiously), because no one ever really is. That’s part of the beauty of it. We’re all in this crazy fibersmithing club of ours together, and while it feels like a risk to put ourselves out there when there are so many other wonderful, awesome, and inspiring fiber artists out there…well, it’s time, sweetheart. So here goes nothin’.